
I cannot be the only person that is thrilled, no, ECSTATIC that 2014 is over. I started off 2014 laying on the couch with my mom, watching YoYo Ma preform works by Astor Piazzolla (a FANTASTIC concert by the way). I was optimistic that this year will be better than 2013, but there was something in my that didn’t fully believe it. Every year I give myself a word that would represent the year, and for 2014 I couldn’t figure out what that word would be. That could have been an indication as to how the year would go. However, despite this year being a challenge, I did learn a lot about the world, and also myself. I made some silly choices (like getting back together with my ex-boyfriend briefly). But, I made even more smart decisions (like getting my coaching certification, getting a new job, committing to my workout regimen). Each roadblock I faced this year (and there were many), I faced it, and created a plan to get around it (or over it). As I sit here, curled up under my duvet, it’s hard not to reflect on year that I feel will be the year I look back on as, “The year everything changed”. Here are fourteen things I learned in 2014.

  1.  Your ex has not changed, don’t take them back. Ever.
  2. It’s possible to mix prints and not look like a hot mess.
  3. It’s always a good idea to have some kind of savings account.
  4. A 5 year plan will never work out the way you want it to. Let go
  5. Never burn bridges at any employer when you leave. They’re capable of leaving as well, and it could very well be to the same company as you.
  6. It’s okay to ask for help. No one will think of you as any weaker because yo did
  7. Try not to show off your strength to the other people in the gym. You’ll just end up with a sprained neck.
  8. Candles won’t burn your house down.
  9. A proper sleeping schedule can change your life.
  10. Kale is the greatest food ever.
  11. Setting daily, monthly and yearly goals are important.
  12. You’re a lot stronger than you think, both physically and mentally.
  13. You’re wise far beyond your years.
  14. God will never abandon you.

I’ll leave you with this quote I read somewhere going into 2015:

” Think of the next year as 365 opportunities, rather than 365 days”

I hope you all have a fantastic new years! Stay safe, and have fun!

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