
Hello 2015, how nice of you to join us! Your little sister 2014 was a little bit of a witch, but I know you’re much nicer, right?

There was something about waking up this morning that felt…light. This may be because I didn’t drown myself in champagne last night (or any other booze for that matter). It truly felt as though some monkey was lifted off of my back, and what was laid out in front of me was an empty book with 365 pages for me to fill.

Okay, that was slightly corny.

But that metaphor gave me a little jolt of motivation, a jolt of this “I can save the world, maybe, this year”.

This isn’t to say that I had a productive day, at all. I curled up in bed, sipping on some tea while binge watching Law and Order SVU (what else is there to watch on New Years Day?). But between Olivia Benson kicking some serious butt, and Stabler’s sarcastic remarks, I couldn’t help but think about what my “word of the year” would be.

Let me explain this. A couple of years ago, I began pinning a word to the year ahead of me, as a definition as to what I thought would represent the year ahead.

This year, my word is “Discovery”.

I feel like the past 4 years of my life have been in preparation for the next phase in my life. The past four years were riddled with challenges, and pain. At this point in time, the source of majority of the challenges, has been dealt with, allowing me to move forward. I feel in my heart, that 2015 is the year I discover my potential and purpose in life. That I begin to shout from the rooftops, and boldly exclaim who I am without fear. I feel like this year is the beginning of something incredible, as long as I stay motivated, and work hard. The last phase of my life is over, and it’s on to the next phase of my life; which WILL be totally exciting ( I FEEL IT IN MY BONES!!). Obviously, I’m going to make mistakes, have some big challenges ahead of me, but isn’t it worth it? Think of it this way; no country would start a war with a country that it didn’t feel threatened by. A potential prime minister (or president!) wouldn’t release attack ads against the person in last place? If you’re being challenged, it just means the outcome will be that much better if you stick with it!

I challenge you all to attack 2015 with all you have, and boldly go after your dreams. This could be the year you’re waiting for, but that will only happen if you work hard, and pursue your dreams. Sure, you might mess up, but as I tell my skating students; if you fell on something new, more times than not, it’s because you’re were doing something right that you weren’t use to.

Are you ready?

disclamer: Featured Photo is by Kate Spade, and was featured in an email blast sent out today.

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